Labour law
All companies and employees come into contact with labour law. The drafting and optimisation of an employment contract, employment regulations, privacy statements and good policies fall under this area of law.
As lawyers specialised in employment law, we provide support for your personnel policy, avoid problems and look for the best solution in the event something goes wrong or there is a dismissal.
Also if you are confronted with the social inspection service, a serious occupational accident or if you are dealing with restructuring or social elections, we make sure you understand all your options and offer you the best tailor-made solution.

Our lawyers specialised in employment law will help you with any questions you may have:
Your professional status
We will advise you on choosing your professional status: employee or self-employed, the status of your staff, as well as the consequences of this in terms of labour law, social law, corporate and tax law.
Terms of employment
LM&DS advises on, negotiates and drafts employment contracts. We advise on wage conditions and wage optimisation, part-time work and all aspects of working time, parental leave, time credit, training and competition clauses.
Employment regulations, car policies, e-mail and internet policies, confidentiality agreements and agreements on the transfer of intellectual property rights are also available or can be made to measure for you.
Termination of employment
Upon termination of employment, we inform you of the various ways of terminating an employment contract and the consequences. In doing so, we ensure the correct calculation of notice periods and severance payments, as well as reviewing the risks of any protection indemnities, discrimination claims or other termination benefits.
In addition, we advise on non-competition clauses, non-solicitation clauses, confidentiality clauses and their effect after the termination of the employment contract.
Well-being at work
Our lawyers will answer your questions about the application of the Welfare Act, including the psychosocial risks: stress, burnout, violence, harassment or sexual harassment. We draw up employment regulations and provide advice in the event of occupational accidents.
Collective labour law
You can count on our assistance in your negotiations with collective consultative bodies or between employers and trade unions. Our law firm draws up employment regulations and collective labour agreements. In case of a restructuring or transfer of business, we will provide you with sound advice. We can also help with the organisation of social elections and advise you on the functioning of the consultative bodies.
Social inspection
We will assist you in case of inspection by the social inspection service.
Rely on LM&DS for the correct application of labour law
Do you have a question or need advice or assistance in the workplace or regarding labour relations?
You can make use of labour law, both as an employee and as an employer, to find out about your rights and obligations in the professional world.
Our specialists in employment law
LM&DS law firm in Mechelen offers expertise and experience in each of the necessary areas. We first choose to talk and solve, before we proceed to litigation.
Let us help you with accurate advice.
Discuss your question with us.
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