Real Estate law
Urban planning & real estate law has to do with acquiring, owning, developing, managing, optimising and transferring (mainly but not limited to) real estate.
- Would you like to object or appeal as an applicant or third party regarding a building permit?
- Do you disagree with a building line plan, expropriation plan or spatial implementation plan?
- Are you faced with an expropriation?
- Have you been summoned or had an administrative measure imposed for an alleged construction or environmental violation?
- Are you unsure whether a certain easement still applies?
- Do you notice that your parcel does not (any longer) have a means of egress?
- Would you like assistance with a complex lease case?

What can our real estate lawyers do for you?
As the owner or titleholder of a piece of land, building or site, you are confronted with environmental law. It is not always easy to obtain a permit. It may also be necessary to respond to another owner's permit application. The government also plays a special role in the regulation of property rights, through building lines, heritage protection measures, nature conservation restrictions, property restrictions (planning impact, quasi-expropriation) and even complete expropriation.
Our team has considerable experience in administrative procedures and in procedures before the Council for Permit Disputes and the Council of State.
Our lawyers will assist you quickly and efficiently to put an end to the infringement of your property rights or to receive appropriate compensation. In short, LM&DS guarantees that your interests are optimally defended, in the first place by examining whether an amicable settlement can be reached with the counterparty or the government, if necessary by means of an extensive procedure.
Real estate law includes:
Property law
LM&DS can advise and/or assist you in disputes about all property rights, specifically ownership, easements, leasehold, usufruct, and right of use/occupation.
With regard to property, our lawyers will advise and assist you if, as a co-owner, you are confronted with disputes regarding co-ownership in general, including the dissolution of joint ownership, apartment co-ownership, time sharing, common ownership or party wall, parcel boundaries, etc.
More information on property law
Environmental law
Environmental law is an important part of real estate law. Our lawyers can assist you with: forest decree, spatial planning, urban planning, expropriation, protected status, etc.. Legal advice can certainly provide added value in these areas.
More information about environmental law
Living quality
Mayoral decree, student rooms, certificate of conformity, etc.
Taxation of immovable property
LM&DS can assist you in situations where your real estate has been included in a municipal or regional inventory of vacancy, neglect, dilapidation or condemned property.
Our law firm can assist you with an application for tax exemption or with an application for cancellation. We can also defend your interests in the event of a tax objection, if you have already received an assessment notice. We can also assist you with disputes related to cadastral income and property tax.
Agricultural law: lease cases
Our firm has the necessary expertise to assist you in tenancy matters, which often result in disputes about a lease termination, a lease transfer, the exercise of a lease through an agricultural company, leasehold, right of pre-emption, etc.
Our specialists in real estate law
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