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Home What does my insurance cover in case of a violation?

What does my insurance cover in case of a violation?

You are insured for all kinds of things, but you do not read the fine print or, like so many people, simply find it all mystifying. That's too bad. What costs does your insurance really cover in case of violation?

Lots of policies generally provide little known coverage. Here's a list of what your insurer can do for you in case of a traffic violation:

Your automotive legal expenses insurer will pay the costs of LM&DS and court fees, even if you have to appear before the police court for driving too fast, causing an accident (with casualties), being drunk, having used drugs, being accused of hit-and-run crime, running a red light, etc.

If you yourself suffer damage in traffic that you would like to have compensated, you can also contact us at the insurer's expense.

If it turns out that the party who caused your damage is insolvent, then it is worth checking into your coverage. The insurers usually pay the damages themselves up to a certain ceiling.

If you become the victim of a deliberate act of violence and the perpetrator remains unknown or if he has no means to compensate you, you can contact the fund for the victims of deliberate acts of violence. This procedure is also often provided for in your legal assistance policy and can be conducted by our lawyers.

The family insurer not only covers your liability if you, your children or your dog cause damage. There, too, there is often a legal assistance section that allows you to engage LM&DS to recover the damage you have suffered.

The fire and home insurers also usually provide legal assistance cover so that we can claim compensation for you for damages caused by a neighbour (even if the neighbour was not at fault but simply because the balance between the neighbours has been disrupted).

Are you not sure what exactly your insurance covers?

Ask our lawyers. They will carefully review your case and immediately inform you of the costs and compensation in your situation.

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